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 Impacting the Nations

A New Era In Missions

Our philosophy of missions. No longer should western culture be exported in the name of "Christianity." It is an ego-centered game when Western organizations seek to build an "international ministry" by taking advantage of the tremendous needs in third world countries less developed than their own.

We are convinced that our part in world missions is to provide a ministry of helps and to play a supporting role. This is accomplished by helping national leaders and ministries impact their own culture with the life-changing, eternal truth of the Good News of reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ!

These native missionaries and pastors are the forgotten pioneers of our day who often endure persecution and hardship on a daily basis. These men and women of faith know the culture and speak the language of those they seek to reach. They are entirely capable of leading their own organizations and ministries.  What a special privilege is ours to serve and encourage them and support them in every way possible. Most of what we do is conduct training conferences for pastors and evangelists.  We have found that this is not only effective in the long run but also the most efficient use of mission dollars.

Click here to read some amazing stories of miracles on the frontlines of missions

Click here to read a tribute to Rev. C. Kamalakar, modern day apostle.

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